Thursday, June 19, 2014

What the heck?

So .... what is this about you ask? Well, I've always wanted to write. I've always been a handy man with creative solutions you would never dream of. I thought of titling the blog "Jury Rigged" but, my thought was i can use this blog for many things; fix it up, perils of being a parent, struggles endured through life etc etc etc.  Bored yet?  HANG ON FOR A BUMPY RIDE!

Fix it #1.  Did you know you can fix about anything on earth with the following 3 components: Gorilla Glue, Duct or electrical tape, bailing wire?

Struggles #1.  Still paying for daughters college (Well, at least her rent)  Oh! did I mention I'm unemployed?  Wife continues to drive it but, I do want to help. In many ways though it is becoming clear that my daughter is somewhat out of touch with exactly what it means to be unemployed?